Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things

This afternoon I was watching the 2009 Eaton House Production of Treasure Island on dvd with the Form 3 students and two of their teachers in the school library, when one of the boys came over and asked me, completely out of the blue,

"Miss Angela, do you think life is a multiplying test? Or a true or false test? Sometimes I wonder if maybe it's a million words competition."

All I really know is that I didn't have an answer.

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Well, I have two schools of thought which may help you out... On the one hand: 'Man x Woman = Child' which could make life a multiplying test, but on the other hand I'm thinking life might be more like a multiple choice: Should I a. call it a night and go home or b. stay at the bar and have another drink. A real sliding doors moment... Life hey - what's it all about!